Hyena Spotlight : The Enchanted Nursery

on Tuesday, February 5, 2008

This Hyena Spotlight, we have Teri of The Enchanted Nursery. Teri stocks a large variety of products, from cloth diapers to children's clothing to organic playing dough.

The Enchanted Nursery is home of Night Owls, an incredibly trim and absorbant wool-in-two diaper.
From Teri's night owl listings:
"By utilizing the super absorbent properties of wool, Night Owls will hold your baby through the night, without soaking the sheets. There are two layers of wool in the body, with a 3 la
yer hidden wool soaker. To add extra absorbency, there is a lay-in doubler that is made with another 3 layers of wool and is completely separate of the body and the cotton soaker. To complete the set, you need to choose your snap in soaker, listed separately. These layers of wool, along with the soaker, give you a trim; yet super absorbent wool in two."

Cute! Aside from Night Owls, Teri has fitted diapers in all sorts of yummy prints and even hand-dyed, squishy bamboo velour. Check out these cute diapers!

I am quite in awe of Terri. She manages to keep her stores well stocked while managing her "Pack of wild monkeys!" Maybe I ought to take a few pointers! ;P

You can find Terri many places! Her products are stocked on her Hyenacart, Necessitae, and Yinia. You can find her blog here!

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