Our visit will be over in only 2 short days. It's been nice, though. We played in the snow, the kids went sledding for the first time, caught up with old friends, done crafts, had my first waxing experience (eyebrows - so pretty), had lots of all around fun. We even made it to the swimming pool for this visit! It always is fun, but I am still always happy to go home. I miss my hubby! :P
Our most mischievous little girl got a new car seat! A late birthday present from Grandma and Grandpa H. I'm suprised they found such a pretty one! Who doesn't love the combo of pink and brown? The best part is that it's a 3 in 1, birth to 80lbs. Should we decide to expand out family - we're totally set :P
I've completed a few projects while visiting, but still have three more. My mom and I are sewing adorable little dresses for baby girl. It started out as one dress, but turned into three upon a visit to Fabricland. Our stack of fabric is huge! :p We haven't even begun, but have the rest of tonight and a fair bit of tomorrow to focus on them. We'll have to do it assembly line style, which sucks... but that's what happens when you procrastinate! I hope we can get them done!
Here is a sneek peek at one of my finished projects, before they were finished - something to be stocked on March 10th. I haven't decided between hyenacart and etsy yet, so that will be a suprise!
The only downside to this trip is that I have caught an icky cold. My throat and ears ache, I cough so hard my throat is raw and sneeze so much my nsoe is as well. Not to mention my ears pop and crackle like rice krispies! And if I have it, hubby will get it, and most likely the kids too. The next couple weeks may not be fun ones in our house!
Happy Leap Day, everyone. I hope you've made good use of your extra day! :) I know *I* needed it! :P
Joining the Ranks of the Two-Wheeled
6 years ago
2 whispers:
oooh--i do like that car seat... a lot! i've never seen on like that!
It is a fabulous little carseat. The Alpha Omega Elite in the Bella colorway. It's one of the few carseats in Canada that offers a more feminine look. Most aren't even unisex - they all seem so masculine to me.
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