Trading goodies

on Friday, March 7, 2008

I have recently discovered the wonderful world of trading products with other work at home parents. And seriously, it rocks. I've obtained some wonderful items that I otherwise would never have tried in exchange for graphics and my own handmade items. I am absolutely thrilled that I've finally opened myself up to this.

Check out some of the goodies I've received! Here we have two absolutely lovely custom made outfits for Keilyn. Nikki of Tadpoles 'n' Butterflies on Hyenacart created these. I can't even begin to tell you have PERFECT they are. There is not a single flaw in the construction of these garments. Nikki is amazing! I think Keilyn rocks that songbird fabric really well! :)

Leah of Whiffy Bean Bags sent us some yummy smelling bean bags, as well as a scented I-spy game, the Whiffy See-it. Keilyn loves to sniff her Whiffys and the see-it provides plenty of quiet-time entertainment for Corbin. It's awesome for car rides, especially ones where we have to wait in the car at Imperial Hobbies while Daddy shops for WarMachine minis or D&D books.

I have a few other fabulous trades on the way for Easter. Lisa from Patchy Pants is making something special for Corbin, but it's a secret! Lili of lili lutu made Keilyn a baby to bride bracelet and Lori of Baby Go Green is sending some Melissa and Doug toys. I've traded with Lori before, and se is awesome!

Speaking of Easter... I bought some wooden toys from Grow With The Grain. Keilyn will have her own 'cell phone' and Corbin is getting a mini coupe. I am excited to be finally having a mostly hand-made holiday. If I'm buying into this commercialization of holidays thing, I might as well be supporting the wonderful WAHPs out there, instead of bloodsucking big businesses!

2 whispers:

Devon said...

ooh... oops... i wasn't meaning for the comment about cathy having her first child at 17 as being a negative thing. she said that she put her kids through hell because she was always so stressed out and would take it out on them (yelling, etc.). she didn't marry the most motivated guy and she supported their family of 5 with two full time jobs--and she just wasn't a happy person. i think she was just saying to me that if she would've known how stressful her life was going to be, she would've waited--because she, personally, wasn't ready for a family... and she was encouraging me that i was doing the right thing, waiting--if that was what i felt i needed to do. sorry if that came out as a dig! i didn't mean it to!! your children are very beautiful and i am sure you do the best for them! i definitely wasn't trying to put anyone down!!

Ashley said...

I didn't think you were putting anyone down, I was just sharing my view :P I think that many young parents wish, no matter how wonderful their kids, how much love they have, that things could have been more stable/certain when their children came to be.