Happy Birthday, Corbin!

on Friday, August 15, 2008

Today is Corbin's 4th birthday! I can't believe we've 'had him' for 4 years! Four wonder filled, amazing years. Happy Birthday, Corbin!

We're having a party for him on Sunday, so most of his gifts will be given then. He got a couple this morning. One being this outfit, custom made by Katydid Creations. It is *PERFECT* in all ways - stitching, fit, fabric... it suits him so well :)

1 whispers:

joeyandaleethea said...

Aww what a cutie!! Great shot, and I hope it was a super Happy Birthday!!!

And hey Mama you won the contest on my blog, you were so right!! My sweet baby girl Lily arrived on the 11th. :D

So go pickup any hair scarf from my shop and I'll be happy to make it for ya.
