About time.

on Monday, December 31, 2007

I finally got around to listing a fair chunk of my left over craft fair goodies on the Etsy shop. And I'm having a little sale, hoping to clear it all out. All the items are marked down a few dollars. Today was supposed to be the last day, but I may just extend it until my birthday, this coming Saturday. Wish me luck! :P

Here's me wishing everyone a very safe and happy New Years Eve! And especially hoping that any small children staying up to ring in the year aren't too cranky for New Years Day! :P
Let's all have an awesome time in 2008!

Starting in the New Year, I'll be doing a weekly (maybe bi-weekly, depending on how I feel) feature post on fellow blogging Hyenacart sellers. Keep an eye out for these posts, there are some extremely talented mamas out there! :D

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